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Por (missing text) em 11/05/2016 -
Preview da próxima campanha do Habbo Hotel!

Veja o tema da mesma que chegará no mês de junho no Habbo Hotel... Hoje foram hospedados nos servidores da Sulake códigos e emblemas indica...

Veja o tema da mesma que chegará no mês de junho no Habbo Hotel...

Hoje foram hospedados nos servidores da Sulake códigos e emblemas indicando o tema da próxima campanha do Habbo Hotel que chegará no mês de junho, sendo a mesma a Selva. Como de costume os emblemas e as mobílias são hospedadas semanas antes para que os Arquitetos ( BAW ) de cada hotel construam quartos com a temática no hotel restrito a eles ( Sandbox ) para que proporcionem diversão, alegria e muitos emblemas grátis para nós durante 15 dias. Confira abaixo uma preview de packs, raros e mobílias:

[accordion] [item title="Packs"]

1. Pack Cabana Abandonada ( Abandoned Hut Bundle )
2. Pack Templo da Selva ( Jungle Temple Bundle )
3. Pack Lagoa Tropical ( Tropical Lagoon Bundle )
4. Pack Selva Perigosa ( Perilous Jungle Bundle )

[/item] [item title="Raros"]

1. Planta de Jarro ( 25 câmbios + 25 diamantes )
2. Polia da Selva ( 25 câmbios + 25 diamantes )
3. Jangada ( 25 câmbios + 25 diamantes )
4. Chapéu da Preguiça ( 25 câmbios + 25 diamantes )
5. Raro Limitado "Charlie o Orangotango" ( X câmbios )
[/item] [item title="Mobílias"]

Preview das mobílias:
*As imagens das mobílias ainda não foram hospedadas.

["clothing_r16_sloth","Betty the Sloth","High-end jungle fashion."]
["jungle_c16_berry2","Blue Berries","Use these to modify furni."],
["jungle_c16_berry","Red Berries","Use these to modify furni."],
["jungle_c16_bkcase2","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."],
["jungle_c16_bkcase3","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."],
["jungle_c16_bkcase","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."],
["jungle_c16_bridgeend2","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."],
["jungle_c16_bridgeend3","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."],
["jungle_c16_bridgeend","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."],
["jungle_c16_bridgemid2","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."],
["jungle_c16_bridgemid3","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."],
["jungle_c16_bridgemid","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."],
["jungle_c16_bush","Fuschia Bush","Seriously pungent."],
["jungle_c16_ctrick","Strange Aura","OK. What IS that?"],
["jungle_c16_dvdr2","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."],
["jungle_c16_dvdr3","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."],
["jungle_c16_dvdr","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."],
["jungle_c16_floor","Rainforest Floor","Tarantula territory..."],
["jungle_c16_flowera1","Yellow Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowera2","Blue Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowera3","Pink Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerb1","Yellow Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerb2","Blue Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerb3","Pink Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerc1","Yellow Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerc2","Blue Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerc3","Pink Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerd1","Yellow Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerd2","Blue Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_flowerd3","Red Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."],
["jungle_c16_fruits","Exotic Fruits","Not found in supermarkets."],
["jungle_c16_gate2","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."],
["jungle_c16_gate3","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."],
["jungle_c16_gate","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."],
["jungle_c16_light","Firefly Lantern","Rainforest ambience."],
["jungle_c16_mat2","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."],
["jungle_c16_mat3","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."],
["jungle_c16_mat","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."],
["jungle_c16_plant","Jungle Drum Plant","The biggest leaves in the jungle."],
["jungle_c16_pot2","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"],
["jungle_c16_pot3","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"],
["jungle_c16_pot","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"],
["jungle_c16_radio","Jungle Boombox","Your only connection with civilisation."],
["jungle_c16_rafflesia","Rafflesia","A horticultural dead end."],
["jungle_c16_rocks","Basalt Rock","Great for tool sharpening."],
["jungle_c16_roof2","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."],
["jungle_c16_roof3","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."],
["jungle_c16_roof","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."],
["jungle_c16_sacks","Scavenged Supplies","The bare necessities."],
["jungle_c16_stairs2","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."],
["jungle_c16_stairs3","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."],
["jungle_c16_stairs","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."],
["jungle_c16_swingsofa2","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."],
["jungle_c16_swingsofa3","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."],
["jungle_c16_swingsofa","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."],
["jungle_c16_table2","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."],
["jungle_c16_table3","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."],
["jungle_c16_table","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."],
["jungle_c16_tallgrass","Long Grass","A perfect ambush spot..."],
["jungle_c16_tele","Jungle Teleport","Tropical transportation."],
["jungle_c16_tree","Ancient Kapok Tree","As old as the jungle itself."],
["jungle_c16_treestage2","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."],
["jungle_c16_treestage3","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."],
["jungle_c16_treestage","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."],
["jungle_c16_wall2","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."],
["jungle_c16_wall3","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."],
["jungle_c16_wall","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."],
["jungle_c16_watertile","Tropical Pond","100% crystal clear."],
["jungle_c16_watertrap","Tropical Swamp","You should REALLY avoid falling in."],
["jungle_c16_worktable","Survivor's Workbench","Modifies your jungle furni."],
["jungle_ltd16_orangutan","Charlie","Your new best friend."],
["jungle_r16_basket","Jungle Pulley","One very strange contraption."],
["jungle_r16_pitcherplant","Pitcher Plant","The rainforest bathtub."],
["jungle_r16_raft","Log Raft","You can TRY and escape..."]
[/item] [/accordion]

O que você espera nesta campanha?


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