Segundo dia de instabilidade no @HabboPTBR , a comunidade foi desconectada há alguns minutos e não consegue logar no jogo novamente.
28/08/2024 - Problema persiste!
Habbo fora do AR de novo! @HabboNews_k #Habbo @HabboPTBR @Habbo
— AustinWalter-US 🇧🇷 (@austinwalterus) August 28, 2024
hello! we're currently dealing with a sustained DDoS attack. we posted about this last night:
— Habbo (@Habbo) August 28, 2024
our team is working hard to get people back into the game ASAP
over the past 24 hours or so we've seen a sustained DDoS attack against our servers.
— Habbo (@Habbo) 28 de agosto de 2024
we have a team of people working closely with our external providers to repel the attack.
we understand how frustrating it is to not be able to play Habbo, thanks for your patience 🙏
27/08/2024 - Ataque DDoS globalmente!

update on the below: we're currently fighting off a pretty significant DDoS attack.
— Habbo (@Habbo) 27 de agosto de 2024
the team is working to resolve this and get you back into the game ASAP, your patience is appreciated!