O que as imagens têm em comum? Uma dica: a imagem de cima é a versão mobile do Habbo, a de baixo era um exemplo da interface do usuário para o cliente Unity.
O designer Onomatopoet publicou uma série de tweets no fim dessa manhã, todos esses relacionados ao cliente Unity, nova versão do Habbo que tem passado por inúmeras mudanças nas últimas semanas. Podemos destacar que ele "assumiu" que a equipe errou ao criar um design baseado primeiramente em dispositivos móveis. Confira o conteúdo completo das declarações:
O design original da interface do usuário (UI) do cliente Habbo Unity começou como uma tarefa mobile, mas no final do suporte ao Flash ficou claro que, em vez disso, precisaríamos primeiro do desktop. Naquele momento simplesmente não tínhamos tempo para redesenhar a UI e tivemos que continuar com o design baseado em dispositivos móveis. 1/5
The original Habbo Unity client UI design started as a mobile task but towards the end of the Flash support it became clear that we would instead need the desktop one first. At that point we just had no time to redesign the UI and had to continue with the mobile based one. 1/5
— SulakeOnomatopoet (@SOnomatopoet) September 10, 2021
Now we are at the point where we can start making the necessary fixes and redesigns for the desktop devices. Fortunately the current design should work rather nicely as a starting point for the future mobile client. 2/5
— SulakeOnomatopoet (@SOnomatopoet) September 10, 2021
Draggability was the first step and now we are working on resizeability options. We will update the windows and some UI elements gradually in the coming releases as we renew the underlying techniques. After that the whole UI should be more unified and easier to update. 3/5
— SulakeOnomatopoet (@SOnomatopoet) September 10, 2021
But as you know, Habbo is a complicated old monster with huge amount of pixel graphic elements that cannot be resized freely and it has rather complicated features in multiple languages we will have to be careful and the things will happen bit by bit. 4/5
— SulakeOnomatopoet (@SOnomatopoet) September 10, 2021
Most of the designs you Habbos have shared here in Twitter are very nice (and good amount of them are very close to what we already have in plans for the future). I'll check out your tweets every now and then to see what you have in mind. Please be patient! (as you have been) 5/5
— SulakeOnomatopoet (@SOnomatopoet) September 10, 2021