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Por (missing text) em 07/11/2017 -
#33 Giro de Notícias | Habbo News - Natal 2017 *UP3*

Confira o que chegará de novidade na campanha mais esperada do ano: o Natal! *A notícia será atualizada quando se obtiver mais detalhes sobr...

Confira o que chegará de novidade na campanha mais esperada do ano: o Natal!
*A notícia será atualizada quando se obtiver mais detalhes sobre a mesma.
*Notícia publicada em 27/10 e atualizada em 07/11/2017 ( Informações sobre conquistas e packs adicionadas ).

[tab] [content title="Novidades - Dezembro 2017"]

01. Chegada de 5 novos packs.
*Respectivamente os mobis exclusivos de cada um com excessão do Pack 1.5 que não tem.

1.1. Pack Vila Vitoriana

1.2. Pack Sala de Estar Vitoriana

1.3. Pack Coro Natalino

1.4. Pack Pista de Gelo

1.5. Pack Sauna Finlandesa

Mobis exclusivos, respectivamente, de cada Pack:

02. Novos Raros:

2.1. Raro Carruagem Vitoriana - 25c + 25d
2.2. Raro Caixinha de Música Vitoriana - 25c + 25d
2.3. Raro Estátua Leão Vitoriano - 25c + 25d
2.4. Raro Cartola Dourada - 25c + 25d
2.5. Raro Pluma de Cabeça Dourada - 25c + 25d
2.6. Raro Limitado Ursinho Ted ( X câmbios - X unidades )


2.7. 6 Colecionáveis Bonecos Vitorianos com um emblema exclusivo para cada um.
*Quem adquirir os 6 bonecos pelo catalogo ganhará um 7° emblema exclusivo.
*Preço desconhecido de cada um até o momento.


03. Novidades na campanha.

3.0. Mobis Clássicos de Natal de volta ao catálogo + Clube do Arquiteto.

3.0. Calendário do Advento ( Disponível a partir do dia 01/12 se encerrando no dia 25/12/2017 ).
Entre os dias 1 e 25 de dezembro, todos os dias você receberá um presente gratuito no seu Calendário do Advento. Abra o seu agora! ( EXCLUSIVOS mobis novos incluídos )

Para conferir o que foi entregue no Calendário do Advento em 2016 clique aqui!

3.1.0. Roupas Vitorianas disponíveis via combinação no mobi "Máquina de Costura de Alfaiate".
Use a Máquina de costura de alfaiate para criar diferentes peças de roupas vitorianas! ( Essa é a única maneira de obter as roupas - a não ser que você compre via Feira Livre ou trocas diretamente as roupas ).

3.1.1. Através da 'Máquina de Costura' você poderá obter uma conquista chamada de 'Trajes vitorianos' disponível em 10 níveis. Confira quantas roupas você terá que costurar para desbloquear cada nível e assim obter alguns pontos de conquista + duckets:

Nível 1: Criei 2 trajes vitorianos.     Nível 6: Criei 12 trajes vitorianos.
Nível 2: Criei 4 trajes vitorianos.     Nível 7: Criei 14 trajes vitorianos.
Nível 3: Criei 6 trajes vitorianos.     Nível 8: Criei 16 trajes vitorianos.
Nível 4: Criei 8 trajes vitorianos.     Nível 9: Criei 18 trajes vitorianos.
Nível 5: Criei 10 trajes vitorianos.   Nível 10: Criei 20 trajes vitorianos.

3.2. Coleção Natal Vitoriano - Clique aqui ou na imagem para conferir!

3.3. Novos presentes no Habbo Club ( os emojis serão removidos, então, caso queira um adquira enquanto pode! ) - Mobis Blings em nova cor ( sem informações até o momento ).

3.4. Caixa Chapéus de Festas 2018 - Clique aqui para conferir!
3.5. Pack Acessórios Dourados V.3. - Clique aqui para conferir!
04. Emblemas.
25 dias de Natal, 25 jogos... e 25 emblemas para se obter!

4.1. 18 emblemas pagos ( 5 emblemas de packs; 13 emblemas de Raros ( sendo um exclusivo ).
4.2. 11 emblemas secretos ( Semelhante ao Habboween 2017 - disponíveis em jogos da campanha ).
4.3. 25 emblemas em jogos da campanha ( um por dia entre os dias 01/12 e 25/12! ).
4.4. Total de emblemas que se podem ser obtidos: 54 emblemas.

[/content] [content title="Códigos hospedados"]

Códigos hospedados - Dezembro/2017:

Códigos hospedados neste mês de outubro relacionados com a campanha de dezembro:

campaign.calendar.xmas17.title=Advent Calendar
featured.offer.xmas17carriage.title=RARE Victorian Horse Carriage
featured.offer.xmas17dolls.title=Collectible Victorian Dolls
featured.offer.xmas17gold.title=RARE Gold Accessory Pack
featured.offer.xmas17goldflow.title=RARE Gold Feather Pin
featured.offer.xmas17goldhat.title=RARE Gold Top Hat
featured.offer.xmas17hats.title=2018 Party Hat Boxes
featured.offer.xmas17hcgift.title=New HC Gifts
featured.offer.xmas17lion.title=RARE Victorian Lion Statue
featured.offer.xmas17ltd.title=Ted the Bear LTD
featured.offer.xmas17mbox.title=RARE Victorian Music Box
featured.offer.bundle194.title=Victorian Street Bundle
featured.offer.bundle195.title=Cosy Living Room Bundle
featured.offer.bundle196.title=Carol Singer Bundle
featured.offer.bundle197.title=Ice Rink Bundle
featured.offer.bundle198.title=Finnish Sauna Bundle

landing.view.xmas17advent.body=Between the 1st and 25th of December, every day you will receive a free gift from your Advent Calendar. Open yours now! (EXCLUSIVE new furni included)
landing.view.xmas17advent.button=Open your calendar!
landing.view.xmas17advent.header=Open Your Advent Calendar!
landing.view.xmas17carol.body=London is bitterly cold in winter, but the carol singers in this bundle will bring you some Christmas cheer! Contains 3x exclusive Victorian Prams.
landing.view.xmas17carol.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17carol.header=NEW Carol Singer Bundle
landing.view.xmas17carriage.body=Victorian craftsmanship is widely considered to be exquisite... and this horse-drawn carriage is no exception. Available for a limited time!
landing.view.xmas17carriage.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17carriage.header=RARE Victorian Horse Carriage!
landing.view.xmas17crafting.body=Use the Tailor's Sewing Machine to craft different items of victorian clothing! (Crafting is the only way to obtain the clothing)
landing.view.xmas17crafting.button=Check it out
landing.view.xmas17crafting.header=Craft Victorian Clothing
landing.view.xmas17dolls.body=Six different collectible victorian dolls are being sold at different times during December. Purchase them all to get a bonus collector's badge!
landing.view.xmas17dolls.button=See the dolls
landing.view.xmas17dolls.header=Collectible Victorian Dolls
landing.view.xmas17furni.body=Our shiny new furni line is here, Habbos. The long-awaited Victorian Christmas line is now in the Catalogue - go and check it out!
landing.view.xmas17furni.button=See the furni!
landing.view.xmas17furni.header=NEW: Victorian Christmas furni!
landing.view.xmas17games.body=Help prepare the streets of victorian London for Christmas this month! 25 days of advent, 25 games... and 25 badges to collect!
landing.view.xmas17games.button=Go to the Navigator!
landing.view.xmas17games.header=Play to earn Christmas badges!
landing.view.xmas17goldflow.body=NEVER to be sold again, this Gold Feather Pin is crafted from solid gold. It's the perfect aristocratic accessory!
landing.view.xmas17goldflow.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17goldflow.header=RARE Gold Feather Pin!
landing.view.xmas17goldhat.body=Get the victorian 'wow' factor when you don this SOLID GOLD top hat. Available for a limited time only, don't miss out!
landing.view.xmas17goldhat.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17goldhat.header=RARE Gold Top Hat!
landing.view.xmas17hcgift.body=We've added BRAND NEW HC gifts to the Catalogue - go and check them all out today!
landing.view.xmas17hcgift.button=See the Gifts!
landing.view.xmas17hcgift.header=NEW HC Gifts!
landing.view.xmas17inhouse.body=This cosiest of cosy living rooms is now available in the Catalogue. It comes with THREE exclusive British Bulldogs!
landing.view.xmas17inhouse.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17inhouse.header=NEW Cosy Living Room Bundle
landing.view.xmas17lion.body=An imposing centrepiece to any cityscape, this stately lion statue is available for a limited time only. Don't miss this opportunity!
landing.view.xmas17lion.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17lion.header=RARE Victorian Lion Statue!
landing.view.xmas17ltd.body=This limited edition bear LTD just LOVES hugging tired Habbos after they've spent the day shopping in Victorian-era London.
landing.view.xmas17ltd.button=See the LTD
landing.view.xmas17ltd.header=Ted the Bear LTD!
landing.view.xmas17mbox.body=Never, EVER to be sold again, this charming, delicate little rare music box plays Christmas music when opened!
landing.view.xmas17mbox.button=See the rare!
landing.view.xmas17mbox.header=RARE Victorian Music Box!
landing.view.xmas17rink.body=Get your skates on, Habbos - it's time to show off your skills on the ice! Included are three exclusive Hot Chesnut Stalls.
landing.view.xmas17rink.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17rink.header=NEW Ice Rink Bundle
landing.view.xmas17sauna.body=Finland turns 100! Take home a chunk of Finnish scenery AND get an exclusive badge to mark the occasion with this bundle.
landing.view.xmas17sauna.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17sauna.header=Finnish Sauna Bundle
landing.view.xmas17street.body=Victorian lanes, streets and alleyways - the scene of so many gripping stories, fact AND fiction. This bundle comes with an exclusive Victorian Sweet Shop!
landing.view.xmas17street.button=See the bundle!
landing.view.xmas17street.header=NEW Victorian Street Bundle

badge_name_ACH_victailor10=Made 20 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor1=Made 2 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor2=Made 4 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor3=Made 6 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor4=Made 8 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor5=Made 10 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor6=Made 12 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor7=Made 14 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor8=Made 16 garments.
badge_name_ACH_victailor9=Made 18 garments.

badge_name_X1701=Victorian Street Bundle
badge_name_X1702=Cosy Living Room Bundle
badge_name_X1703=Carol Singer Bundle
badge_name_X1704=Ice Rink Bundle
badge_name_X1705=RARE Victorian Horse Carriage
badge_name_X1706=RARE Victorian Music Box
badge_name_X1707=RARE Victorian Lion Statue
badge_name_X1708=RARE Gold Top Hat
badge_name_X1709=RARE Gold Feather Pin
badge_name_X1710=Ted LTD
badge_name_X1711=Detective Doll
badge_name_X1712=Glamour Doll
badge_name_X1713=Beauty Doll
badge_name_X1714=Redhead Doll
badge_name_X1715=Policeman Doll
badge_name_X1716=Soldier Doll
badge_name_X1717=Victorian Doll Collector
badge_name_X1718=Finnish Sauna Bundle
badge_name_X1719=Secret Badge 11/11 - Ebenezer Scrooge
badge_name_X1720=Secret Badge 10/11 - Bob Cratchit
badge_name_X1721=Secret Badge 9/11 - Jacob Marley
badge_name_X1722=Secret Badge 8/11 - Ghost of Christmas Past
badge_name_X1723=Secret Badge 7/11 - Ghost of Christmas Present
badge_name_X1724=Secret Badge 6/11 - Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
badge_name_X1725=Secret Badge 5/11 - Fred
badge_name_X1726=Secret Badge 4/11 - Tiny Tim
badge_name_X1727=Secret Badge 3/11 - Mr. & Mrs. Fezziwig
badge_name_X1728=Secret Badge 2/11 - Belle
badge_name_X1729=Secret Badge 1/11 - Peter, Martha & Mrs. Cratchit
badge_name_X1730=December 1st, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1731=December 2nd, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1732=December 3th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1733=December 4th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1734=December 5th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1735=December 6th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1736=December 7nd, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1737=December 8th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1738=December 9th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1739=December 10th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1740=December 11th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1741=December 12th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1742=December 13th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1743=December 14th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1744=December 15th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1745=December 16th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1746=December 17th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1747=December 18th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1748=December 19th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1749=December 20th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1750=December 21st, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1751=December 22nd, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1752=December 23th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1753=December 24th, Victorian xmas
badge_name_X1754=December 25th, Victorian xmas
[/content] [/tab]

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